May 13, 2008

sometimes, it is fun to do things spontaneously.. and the interesting thing is that you will probably get the things done, when compared to making plans and plans and plans... ...

Having spontaneous dinners seemed to be a trend nowadays..
Motto: Don't wait. Don't think. Just Go.

You might enjoy a treat (credit goes to wei wei).
You might get gossips (i know that's the all-time favourites)
You might get some sources of entertainment which probably could last you a few weeks

The most best thing is:
You get to see your friends, whom you have not met for months.

May 12, 2008

When one wave has yet to subside, another comes along....

Continuing from my IT-suayness period (Oh yes, it has yet to end..), I have finally set myself to call the Benq Support Hotline to get my monitor repaired.. and viola!! The IT man came this morning, and bring me a substitute for the moment...

As the title suggest, this is not the end...
OK. I supposed that my printer has problems long time ago, but it seemed to be a good time to really realise the problem such that it could fit into the IT suay period.. The printer's old catridge cannot be aligned, no matter how many times i pressed the "ok" button.. New cartridge cannot be recognised, scanning function cannot use.. duh.

Then, I confirmed that my camera is spoilt. The Panasonic man said that the LCD backlight was spoilt and it would cost like 240 bucks to repair it!! Goodness!!
So the man suggest that I buy a new one... But, its like having a white elephant at home... :(
The best thing is that this Panasonic building was so difficult to find (to me) that I took about 1hr to locate this stupid building, in exchange for a few mins of "i think it is better that you buy a new camera".. ok. at least the man is being honest.