March 28, 2010

Didn't really sleep very very last night... Subconsciously waiting for the news...

Decided to send Joyce an sms about 8+pm, she called me back to tell me the good news.  =)

Had some thoughts about how to keep track of such cases, and also to include my reflections about the cases. Shall search for an empty file tomorrow and start my plan.  =)
Has been attending to a case since Wednesday till 10+ earlier on.

This case has actually let me see things that I have always wanted to experience, and also let me see that how different people are, towards certain issue. How helpful and flexible that people can be, and of course, cannot be.

So far, in my experience attending to such cases, I have come to believe that somethings are just meant to be. Some things just happened for some reasons, and some people are just like "sent by God" for some reasons..

Though my Sat is sort of burnt, I really hope that it is burnt meaningfully... ..

waiting for the good news... .... ....

March 24, 2010

Crappy crap

Feels terribly crappy when you scrimp and save but in the end, the money just flow out in the other way... ... And it is like you are scrimping and saving just for that purpose. *crap*

Felt even more crappy when no cases seemed to be discharged. Even the most no-need intervention sort of case also "refused" to get discharged. Done a quick mental calculation and crap, more than 20 active cases. My box file is bursting!!! Can't even put my HP in it anymore..  boo boo.

Even my stomach feels equally crappy! Has been having diarrhoea for the past 2 days!! I wonder why..

March 21, 2010

Had fun during yesterday badminton session, shall make it a monthly affair so that i get to do some exercise. Will definitely remember to bring my sport shoes along.

Earned a quick 40bucks. Glad that the others had earned them too! =D

Thanks Sing for the treat too! but could you treat us to Hong Xing too??

And thanks to Larry and ok, Yu (you to) for bring us me to BalaClava, nice place i think. Singers were good, I like the slow and country feel... I wonder if they sing Chinese songs since they speak Mandarin... Maybe we shall go to one of the Ming ge can ting one day! 

March 15, 2010

the neo saga

XDH told me that Jack neo is the top 10 hits in the online Straits Times. Didn't really give any thought about coz i can't visualise what she meant by the "top 10 hits".

Went on to ST just now, and was like "wow". 不用这样吧.. ... I think there is too much publicity on this saga till I find it abit well, too much. Not time to read them now. But will read them on Fri, with is THE 19th March. Mixed feelings, coz that finally marks our FREEDOM, but i am still EVERYWHERE in my project paper.  sobz.

March 8, 2010

New found toy

This is my new found toy! It is a bit not clear here, but its actually a honeydew container! Before it ended up in my hands, it actually contains honeydew ice cream! Japanese ah, really too innovative lah... no wonder Japanese ice cream is so expensive, coz you pay for his nice container.

And I am going to use it to put my paperclips. I am loving it!
Was trying my best to concentrate on the legendary project paper, but the pullung forces of the internet, FB, Miniclip was just too strong. Managed to complete about 20% of the paper, but the other 80% is the more important section of the paper. I hate doing papers that require Lit review... Boo Boo... the more i review the literature, the more confused i get with my theories. Now, is it the view about self-actualisation, or the view about learned resourcefulness???
And how come the other 80% is not about reflection leh? At least I still can try to smoke my way through.

I am going to get it all back after I hand in the paper on 19th March, and that marks the end of the whole course. Hopefully there is no need for re-test or re-submission *fingers crossed*.
And that reminds me, I still have to complete that HMDP report. *wah liao... *

Oh, was reading the online Straits Times this morning, and was shocked to read about Jack Neo's 2 year affair. I think I have an image of him being a 好好先生 who loves his kids and wife a lot. But Sad lah... Does this say that as long as you are a Man, you will sooner or later get involved in EMA?

March 3, 2010

Received a letter today from a embassy thanking me (and other people) for the assistance rendered to one of my patients. =)

It's the month of =)

*happy happy*

March 1, 2010

Was reading the Straits Times on Saturday, where the Life! Section feature about heart disease and Indians. As usual, there was explanation about "Good" cholestrol and "bad" cholestrol, and we also should have low triglycerides. And again, as usual, the Dr recommended for us to exercise for 30mins a day, and suggested us to do aerobics exercise which includes, swimming, running, skipping.

Skipping! I immediately grabbed a skipping rope and skipped slowly for only about 20mins. The next day, my calf is like post-cramp status. Super tight and pain. And gosh, the pain is still there the day after, which is today.