April 28, 2012

Felt that I have been lazing around since morning although I have gone to buy my toothpaste, breakfast, edited and handed in 2 reports, N games of Solitaire, watched an anime, cooked dinner and currently looking at another Art assignment. Was feeling rather restless, and there isn't any good shows on TV, but at the same time I do not want to start any dramas on my Funshion.

Had an interesting and emotional self-reflection yesterday night, and somehow got some enlightenment from a lecturer's reply. I hope I will more in touch with my feelings as the course ends and when I am back to SG.. And you guys shall see a 感情丰富 de Cerene...

Shall end off with the fun I had during the past weeks or months...

Ferocious shark and timid carp 2nd time @ Ocean Park

A wonderful and successful jumpshot @ Sai Kung

Sumptuous dinner at Lok Fook @ Sai Kung with compliments from the Ho and Mak family!  =D

A sort of forum @ HKU talking about the next CE of HK... Did we ever have that in NUS? Or rather, will we?
Another experiential activity @ Art Therapy class.. I love it!

Cute monster spotted @ Marrina's house. Makes my day!

April 27, 2012

One step closer to my distinction..

We did it! After a long haul of 4 months... ... Our baby named "Child-Centered Group Therapy: Effects on Social Skills of Children with Visual Impairment" is finally born with painstaking efforts, nearly sleepless nights, N number of amending and editing... The best thing is that, our supervisor commented that it is the best report she has ever received!! This report can stand a chance to be published in journal ok! Dun play play ah... ....

So, I think I should be one step closer to my distinction, and hopefully, one step closer to my conference in LA!

April 21, 2012

Seriously Anal...

Dun get the title wrong, or in a wrong way.. .. I am referring to a more sophisticated term from the Freudian's psychoanalytic approach in a Singlish way..

I am seriously super anal! Editing the report for the N times...  =S

The Vulnerability of Life

Life is actually very vulnerable and most of us take it for granted.. We take for granted that we will wake up every morning and we will get back home safely. Do you know that in a day, there can be thousands of people in the world who do not wake up, or do not make it home?

So, Take care, be appreciative, be zen, be happy!!

April 6, 2012

One of the homework required us to watch a real-case video and then do up a case formulation and intervention. Received the real-life answer earlier on, and realised that I have actually got the whole hypothesis right about the case. But! I think I am too conservative in my writing that I didn't really indicate my own hypothesis, and sort of leave it open.. Even my intervention was sort of too "humanistic" and non-directive, and was not daring enough to give precise intervention with my hypothesis...

Haiz... ....

Lesson learnt: My assessment is ok de... just need to be more daring to take a stand!