June 15, 2004


I m back!!! Anyone missed me?? i m sure everyone missed me rite?? I knew it!! Ha..

so.. to satisfy Yu's cravings for the happenings in Taipei, i shall post a sort of day-by-day journal here.. here it goes!!

Day 1..
woke up at 5am to get ready.. nearly forgot to bring my toothbrush along.. luckily 干爹agreed to fetch me to the airport, if not i think i will need to take a cab by myself.. Anyway, everything went quite smoothly at the airport.. Maybe it was too early in the morning, so i did not feel very excited.. I m a very 爱睡的人 mah.. 哈.. Juz like 花泽类,i need 15hrs of sleep too.. ha..

Hm.. the plane is super super small.. It is my first time taking a plane with only one aisle.. And one toilet section, i think.. But, the food was very nice!! 海鲜面!! 很好吃!!

I was only excited when the plane touched down.. Indeed, S'pore airport is still the best to me.. Guess that we are all pampered by the environment of S'pore huh?

The journey to Taipei from 中正 Airport is around 1hr plus.. I think we can go to Jurong or Woodlands from Changi Airport liao loh..

Guess wat? Our hotel was not that bad lah.. Scare me.. Only that there was not enough lightings in our room.. But, at least my room (with Paulynn and Skye) was quite big.. Each of us has a bed.. At first i thought that one of us need to sleep on the floor.. ~heng..

Wat we did on the first day was juz to explore around and search for food.. We ate 阿宗面线 as our first Taipei 小吃.. Not bad.. but the shop a bit yaya, there are no seats for customers to sit.. That's why you can see a lot of people standing and squatting around the shop to eat.. the most important thing is that we tried the 臭豆腐!!wat can i say?? it smells like shit and tastes like shit.. ..after i eaten that, the whole street of Taipei smells like 臭豆腐..

(to be continued.. ..)

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