i have been staring at my PC and writing my report for the past 3hrs and i have only finished the first 2 parts... urgh... 2 more main parts to go.. disgusting.. i m not cut to write any report..
anyway,waited for so long, today is finally the carnival day..
the actual name for this is "Protect Our Elderly: Stop Elder Abuse Campaign 2005"
my job is assistant stage manager cum help-here-help-there labourer.. for assistant stage manager, basically is to get the people ready to go up to the stage, and to assist other volunteers when they come to back stage to take things..
and for the help-here-help-there labourer, is to help here help there loh! where need help den go where loh!
but everything is quite fun lah.. coz everyone is quite 熟 liao..
for example, 见面时说的话:
with not 老朋友的 volunteer: "Hi.. Thanks for coming.. ur i/c is not here yet.. so when she is here, she will brief u all about wat to do.. meanwhile, can you help me carry those chairs over to that side?"
with 老朋友的 volunteers: "Hey... 来liao huh.. 帮我把那些椅子搬过去.. 等一下再brief 你.."
spot the difference..
well, now i returned as a volunteer, not a student.. so the feeling is not as stress as them.. during the carnival ah, u can really see the "I AM STRESSED.. BACK OFF" 的 look loh.. so 以我 crappy 的性格, i have to be super careful in crapping, in case the crap backfired and kena myself.. once again, i want to clarify that although i 做事 may seem to be quite 吊儿郎当, but i can also be quite serious and the responsibility is always there one hor.. 只是偶尔健忘了一点, blur 了一点..
my philo is "做事hor, 不用太serious (the serious here hor, is 那种邹着脸不会笑的serious), 要带着 responisibilty and 开心最重要.. "
oh ya, back to the carnival..
saw a few of my clients during the carnival.. some from my group work and one from my case work.. quite happy that they actually recgonised me.. so 欣慰..hurhur..
but 老天is really the 不做美, 竟然下了一场倾盆大雨.. den the whole carnival is sort of 中断.. but luckily that time is lunch break, so not really that bad.. 只是原本要来的VIPs 都不来了.. den 我这个 assistant stage manager 也只好冒着雨去 clear 一 clear backstage the stuffs.. 淋到我半个裤管都湿 liao loh.. and feet is wet and stinko.. eeww....
i think i am getting old liao.. juz as i was writing this post, my arms ached.. haiz.. 今日不如以前扛扬琴的日子, 只是搬了几相东西 and 几十袋的 goodie bags 就酸到连伸手去抓背后都有困难.. haiz... 老了,风湿又犯了...
overall, i have enjoyed the whole thingy.. but 很遗憾的事, i didn take any photos !! 太可惜了!! and that xiaoying got take photos loh.. 该take 的时候又不叫我, 不该 take 的时候又到处拿着相机拍来拍去.. -.-"