October 11, 2008

Clients' self-determination

The unique job characteristic of social work in hospital setting is the multi-disciplianry team approach.. given that, it is the valuable input from different professionals to provide the best care as possible for patient..
Different professionals has it own ethics and values.. In social work, we very much value the client's self-determination. However, in the hospital setting, there is always this dilemma of how to balance clients' self-determination and also providing the adequate level of care...

My boss wrote in a book saying that we always tend to assume we know what's best for the patient..

I confess to that. Especially with elderly patients. We often ignore the elderly patient's wishes and turn to their other family members to make the "we know best" decisions.

Recently, I was a little upset by a case where fellow working colleagues instead of working together to best support patient's self-determined care plan, decided not to proceed with an assessment, coz it is not safe for patient to go home.
Yes. I do understand the reason behind it.
But what happens to client's self-determination? How much do we, as a team, take into consideration of that? Do we really psycho, force, coax him everyday, until the day he/she agree to go to a Home?

What we think or see as "best", would not be the "best" for patient... ...

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