May 31, 2009

suddenly came to realise that my 1-yr free subscriptin from mioTV is probably going to expire soon. so i am rushing through to watch Grey's Anatomy season 5, before i cancel mioTV.
I remembered Jin was telling some time ago that she visited Grey's Anatomy forum, and she learnt a lot about the show there. Like how every surgery featured in every episode is somehow linked to the "moral of the episode", and like how the interns "grew up" and you can notice it by the total elimination of their once 口头禅 "seriously".

Sometimes, I have been asking myself how come I am not emotionally affected toward my "real" patients, and the most common answer that I always get is that maybe because, I have yet to form any rapport with them. Hm... I see myself being more emotionally affected by Grey's Anatomy.. ~weird.

Anyway, that's not the point. As I mentioned earlier, there's always a moral of the story in every episode, and I think they make sense. Maybe I should take them down, and blog them.

Today, I have learnt:
To get away from the shadow, U just have to turn on the lights, and get away from darkness.
And in relation to our course of work, it to help identify the lights, and teach pt how to turn them on.

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